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Deliver WalkSafe in your community!

Does your community/organization/municipality want deliver a pedestrian safety program in your schools?

The OSC offers affordable and flexible licensing options for organizations that are interested in implementing a pedestrian safety education program in their schools/community!

Why Choose WalkSafe as your pedestrian safety program?

WalkSafe is:

  • Proven & Effective – For over a decade, WalkSafe has reached 15,000-25,000 elementary students annually in Ottawa
  • Age-appropriate, innovative, experiential, engaging and fun
  • Progressive – Concepts build upon each other preparing students to start walking more independently as the grow
  • Focused on keeping oneself and others safe; and “sharing the road”
  • Matched to Ministry curriculum requirements in Health & Physical Education, Science and Technology, Math and Language



of teachers felt WalkSafe increased their students understanding of how to be safe walking.*

*based on teacher evaluation surveys of the WalkSafe program


of teachers felt the lessons were translatable to real-life and will prepare students for road safety situations.*

*based on teacher evaluation surveys of the WalkSafe program


of students increased their Road Safety Knowledge*

*based on pre and post quizzes in
RS4K e-learning courses

WalkSafe Delivery Options for your community!

The OSC offers several options for you to bring the WalkSafe program to your schools, including:

WalkSafe Presentation “Kits”

Each kit contains:

    • Presenter scripts for each of the 4 grade specific modules
    • Teacher activity flyers with curriculum links
    • Interactive handouts & student guides
    • Enough materials for 50 students/presentation

WalkSafe Equipment Kits

Enhance presentations with hands-on learning tools, including life-size traffic lights and roll-out crosswalks, speed detectors, flash cards and more.

WalkSafe Digital Presenter Kit

Enhance presentations with engaging PowerPoints, videos and soundtracks.

WalkSafe “Train the trainer” Sessions

One-day training course to familiarize & equip presenters with the skills to deliver WalkSafe presentations.

Full WalkSafe Program

OSC as the service provider, handling all admin, training, and scheduling.

RoadSMARTS4Kids Digital Library

Free resources for teachers & parents – including lesson plans, e-learning modules, and interactive activities. NOTE: These resources are intended for use by teachers and parents. If you are an organization (i.e., public health unit, municipality/school board etc.) that would like to use the materials widely, please contact us.

Interested in implementing the WalkSafe program in your community?

For more information, including licensing and kit pricing options, contact:

Kelly Banks
Director of Programs
Ottawa Safety Council

613-238-1513, ext. 225