Booster Seat Safety for Kids!

Learning about road safety can start at a very early age and educating children about safe behaviour while riding in a vehicle (i.e. not adjusting their belt, or slumping down in the seat) reduces the risk of serious injury in the event of a crash.

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BestFit Booster Virtual E-Learning Course!

Free to educators and parents, our RoadSMARTS E-Cademy is a suite of e-learning courses that contain important road safety information for students JK–Grade 6.

Our Booster Seat Safety Course covers why boosters are important, proper seatbelt fit & use, when are you ready to transition and more!

Our BestFit Booster virtual e-learning course teaches children aged 6-8 (generally the age children are using a booster) to take an active role in their own safety and the safety of others (i.e. siblings) by learning and speaking up about how to use a booster seat and vehicle restraints properly and safely. 

Using fun, age-appropriate, engaging and interactive lessons, our virtual course covers the following:

  • Booster Seat Basics & Injury Prevention
  • Proper way to wear your seatbelt
  • Height vs. Age requirements for transitioning to regular seatbelt use
  • Measuring Height Activity

Children between the ages of four and eight are almost two times less likely to be seated correctly in vehicles than infants or older children

– Snowden, A., Hussein, A., Ahmed, E. (2008)

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