RoadSMARTS E-cademy

Free Virtual e-learning courses

Road SMARTS 4 kids

Thanks for visiting our RoadSMARTS E-cademy!

Free to educators and parents, our RoadSMARTS E-cademy is a suite of e-learning courses that contain important road safety information for students JK–Grade 6. Each course takes between 20–40 minutes to complete.

We have recommended the target age group for each course however, even the courses geared at younger students contain information that is a good reminder to older students.

JK – Grade 2: RS4K lessons lay the foundation of basic road safety concepts.
Grade 3-4: RS4K road safety concepts advance, as children’s critical thinking and awareness of other road users perspectives grow.
Grade 5 and 6: RS4K lessons prepare children to be alert and use safe and good judgement as they start using the road more independently.



  • E-learners must have their own devices (i.e., lap-top) and internet access*
  • E-learners log into the SmarterU e-learning system and interact with and complete the course
  • Teachers/parents can create a roster of accounts for students/children without email addresses.


  • Pedestrian safety: Where & how to cross the street, visual barriers, see and be seen, stopping distances, the dangers of distraction and much more!
  • Cycling Safety: Helmet safety, communicating with other road users, being predictable, riding, stopping & falling safely, target fixation, hazard scanning, shoulder checks and much more!
  • Walking places independently: Readiness, judgement, safe route planning, people smarts, emergency planning and more!
  • Booster Seat Safety: Why boosters are important, proper seatbelt fit & use, when are you ready to transition and more!

There are a few ways that you can access and deliver these courses to your students.

Create an account for yourself or your child. 

***Each account needs a unique email.


Create a “roster” of accounts for multiple students or children

***No unique email needed per user.  

You will be emailed unique log-in IDs and passwords for each  student/child.

Request Teacher-Led Versions of the Courses

Don’t have access to computers/laptops for all of your students?  We have teacher-led versions of the e-learning courses that can be presented to a group/class using a smartboard or projector.  Contact to request access to these. 

Explore our Educational Road Safety Programs

WalkSafe Program

JK – Grade 6

Concepts taught in our WalkSAFE programs include walking safely near traffic, intersections & crosswalk, how to read traffic and pedestrian lights, the 5 steps to crossing the street, visual barriers, how clothing helps us see and be seen, making eye contact with other road users, right of way/wait your turn, except the unexpected, the dangers of distraction and stopping distances for vehicles.

CycleSafe Program

Grade 1 – Grade 6

CycleSAFE prepares students and kids with skills and awareness needed to safely share our roads with other road users.  Less about how to ride a bike, it focuses on how to stay safe while sharing the road riding your bike.  Concepts taught include hand signals, communicating with other road users, safe gear (i.e., helmet fitting), interpreting road signs and traffic lights, shoulder checks, hazards scanning, how to fall safely, cycling on different terrains, right of way, lane vs edge riding and the dangers of selective attention and target fixation. 

WalkSafe Program

Grade 3 – Grade 6

The WalkALONE program is designed to help parents and educator determine if a child is ready to start walking some places on their own. It prepares them to do so safely by covering concepts such as readiness, judgement & decision making, road safety rules, people smarts, safe zones, emergency preparedness, and safe route planning. Students follow along in a workbook throughout the program and once complete, their workbook serves as a guide with checklist for reference any time they want to try walking somewhere new. Students will earn and download their personalized WalkAlone license.

WalkSafe Program

Grade 1 – Grade 3

The BESTFIT Booster program provides an overview of the two types of booster seats, who uses them and why.  Safety concepts such as how booster seats prevent injuries, how to wear your seatbelt properly, and how you know you are the right height to move from a booster seat into sitting in a regular seat with a seatbelt are reinforced.  Finally, students will participate in a measuring activity to see if their height is in the recommended range for using a booster seat. 

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