What is a Road Safety Story?
It’s a story about your road experiences shared by YOU as a cyclist, pedestrian, motorcyclist, motorist in the city of Ottawa. Regardless of how you use the road, chances are you have road safety stories to share. Join community members such as Sandra Plagakis from Kiss FM and Amy Volume from CHEZ 106 as well as other local citizens as they share their Road Safety Story with the rest of Ottawa.
Who should share a Road Safety Story?
If you are a cyclist, pedestrian, motorcyclist, motorist, you should share your road safety story. There is no age limit to participate! Everyone has a road safety story!
Why share your Road Safety Story?
Sharing road stories – good and bad builds awareness around the importance of road safety in our communities. Ottawa needs its communities to actively participate in creating safer roads for all road users- sharing our stories is one way to accomplish this.
Where do I share my Road Safety Story?
You can upload your Road Safety Story by clicking here. You will be asked to sign a media release document (so we know you’re okay with us sharing your story), and then you upload your video or text file!
How do I share my Road Safety Story?
We’ve made sharing your Road Safety Story easy! Click here, grab your smartphone or tablet, and record yourself (preferably in landscape mode) sharing your road safety story. We have even drafted three questions to guide you into what you can say. You can also watch what others have shared for inspiration!
Do you have Road SMARTS?
If you would like to get more involved in road safety, we invite you to take the #RoadSMARTS pledge. By taking the Road SMARTS Pledge, you Support Making All Road Travel Safe, which can improve everyone’s road safety. When road behaviours change, accidents can be reduced. For more information and to take the pledge for free, visit https://www.road-smarts.ca/