WalkSafe Presentations

Book free WalkSafe presentations for your school today!

Why book a WalkSafe presentation?

In Canada, more than 1000 children are injured annually in pedestrian related road incidents.* Being safe on the roads is an important life skill and you’re never too young to start learning about road safety!

Before they even get behind the wheel of a car, kids need to learn how to navigate our roads safely as pedestrians, cyclists and passengers!

* Parachute Canada. (2023). Pedestrian Safety. Retrieved from https://parachute.ca/en/injury-topic/pedestrian-safety/

97% of teachers would recommend WalkSafe presentation to other schools.

OSC’s WalkSafe presenters come to your school and deliver 4 age-appropriate Walksafe modules, class by class:

JK/SK Presentation

(25 – 30 minutes)

Designed to be very experiential, students are introduced to the concept of walking near traffic & how to cross safely. Students test these skills out using life-like props, allowing students to practice safety skills in the classroom!

Grades 1–2 Presentation

(25 – 30 minutes)

This lesson focuses on being visible to motorists, visual barriers and be safe/be seen. Using peer to peer learning, students identify unsafe behaviours through role play, developing their critical thinking and confidence walking near traffic.

Grades 3–4 Presentation

(25 – 30 minutes)

Students explore the concepts of attention & distraction and how they affect safety through fun activities. The concept of eye contact and ensuring motorists see them is cemented, leaving them more prepared to start walking on their own!

Grade 5 & 6 Presentation

(2 x 60 minutes)

The final WalkSafe module gets students out on the street to conduct real-time observations of hazards, speeding and dangerous road user behaviours! Students then reflect on this data back in the classroom and how to keep themselves safe.

Not in Ottawa?

Check out our virtual WalkSafe licensing opportunities!

What are teachers saying?

“Very informative and useful information. I like how interactive the presentation was and how they were able to roleplay their learning.”

“This is a great presentation and a very important component to keeping students safe especially in our school community where most of our students walk to school.”

“An engaging presentation with material and delivery that was age appropriate.”

“It was fabulous. The students really had a good look at what the reality of drivers and make sure that they as pedestrians have to be aware of.”

WalkSafe is delivered in Ottawa with the support of the City of Ottawa.

City of Ottawa

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